[ZAG-017] Yu - Track Plant
"Track Plant - 这个名字来自我今年在匿名戒酒会(Alcoholics Anonymous)认识的朋友Ed,没有他就不会有这个读起来很上口的单词组合。Ed当时要去新宿,我要回北区,所以我们一同往山手线走。他突然看到铁轨旁边的绿植,提议说我的专辑名要不要就直接叫Track Plant。
我想了想这张专辑的声音:由于大部分工作都在Roland SP-404采样器上完成,它们的构造是很线性的。山手线所滋生的植物也很直接了当:简简单单,从无人在意的角落探出无人在意的茎叶。
我们两个是那次AA meeting唯二没有开口说话的人。我相信音乐的语言会把这种沉默组织成热切的交流。
'A friend of mine, an AA member, Ed, came up with the title of this album - "Track Plant". All the naming credit is objectively taken by him.
Ed was going for a great Saturday night in Shinjuku, meanwhile me was hurrying up to the, well, godforsaken Kita-ku that nobody really cares. We checked out our Google Map, had a holy moly congressional conversation on the rocket science program of Tokyo railway system, then finally decided to get our tourist feet on that JR Yamanote Line.
And, oh wow, Ed found that there were some linear plants right beside some linear railways. "Track Plant", that's it. Imagine you jump into a flow state and the word "flow" is just clicking in your mind like your cousin playing Valorant with your good old mouse. That's how we caught up the album title right there.
So this is how an AA member came up with a title for an album basically driven by the inspiration of alcoholism.'
Artwork: Yмᴹнэ_⁹5>
Mastering: Glass Bystander
Supervisor: Glass Bystander
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